Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Self care before Patient Care

As a nurse, I have learned the importance of self-care before patient care.   In order to care for others you have to put yourself first.  Replenish your energy, spirit/ attitude, and de-stress!  You cannot allow your busy schedule, and family to make you become a victim of self-neglect. We see this self-neglect sometimes in our patients- the diabetic who eats pie, and drinks Kool-Aid - while awaiting a double amputation!! ( & despite having   patient counseling, dietitians, and  coaching)  There are plenty of examples of self - neglect in nurses.  Nursing is not an easy job-  especially if you do shift work, or work long hours in an emotionally draining and physically demanding job.  It's hard to pre-plan our meals for the week, it's a challenge to schedule gym time for ourselves when there is so much other stuff that needs to get done.  How can we(nurses) be good examples when we are not following our own advice?   The answer is more complex and universal.  We are all busy working, taking care of family', homes,  squeezing in socializing  and  hopefully hobbies,

 Put yourself first.  I learned the hard way-  yes I can work doubles. Hell, I had two jobs working 12 days in a row with 9  of those days being back to back 12's. The money was not worth it. I began to rethink my life.

 Take Away: 

-  put yourself first-   you are the only person who looks after you!  NO one else will do it for you!
-  Know your limits
- Ask : Is this inline with what I want my life to be? Is this in line with my life purpose and goals?
-  The 'Why" ............ why are you doing it? what is the end goal?  Do the ends justify the means?
-  Do you have time to do the things that matter to you?  Things that make you happy?
                - If not re-evaluate and re-prioritize.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Middle Eastern Virus More Widespread Than Thought | Science/AAAS | News

Middle Eastern Virus More Widespread Than Thought | Science/AAAS | News: "side the region, such as France and the United Kingdom, but those clusters all started with a patient who had traveled to the Middle East before falling ill.

Scientists have uncovered more and "

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Increased Magnesium intake correlated with decrease systemic inflammation

Friday, February 21, 2014. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a meta-analysis on February 12, 2014 which reveals an association between increased dietary magnesium and lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ray Kurzweil is just amazing and now he is driving google :)

 I don't usually get star struck... but  I  was tongue tied when I met this amazing individual. :)

 I could careless about vapid popculture icons but Ray Kurzweil... all I could think was what is he thinking right now?  How has he already shaped our future by discovering/ naming the law of accelerating returns is trans-humanism defined.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Richard Feynman

 Researching Richard Feynman today :) Thought I would share!

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Experts React to Mental Health Parity Law 'Final Rule'

Experts React to Mental Health Parity Law 'Final Rule': "rule to "ensure that features such as co-pays, deductibles, and visit limits are generally not more restrictive for mental health/substance use disorders benefits than they are for medical/surgical benefits.""

 rule to "ensure that features such as co-pays, deductibles, and visit limits are generally not more restrictive for mental health/substance use disorders benefits than they are for medical/surgical benefits."
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  There is still a huge disparity  when it comes to mental health versus  medsurg/ general medical  care.  Many outpatient services are extremely limited, or have much higher deductibles or copays than physician visits.  There is a  lack of mental health services in this country.  Insurances do not often cover  therapy with a  professional such as a psychologist or licensed social worker. Primary care physicians are 'more inclined to write a prescription  for a med, than  instruct the patient  to workout, increasing physical activity,  or go therapy.